Google Classroom facilitates easy management of student work – announcing, assigning, gathering, and providing feedback. It has saved many tutors’ hours of work. 

Without a steady workflow and a practical strategy, managing digital learning can be burdensome. Google Classroom makes learning more effective only when teachers understand how a digital classroom works and how to use it to the advantage of both learners and teachers. 

Here are 5 tips for Google Classroom to boost your efficiency. 

Use topics to group assignments 

One of the first things you should do to boost your Google Classroom’s efficiency is determining how you want your students to see assignments in the classroom tab. Click “Classwork” to get topics of your class on the left-hand side. Then click “+create” and select “Topic” to set your topics. 

Enable real-time feedback for presentations

Copy and paste evaluation templates into all private comments in preparations for presentations. Remember to use general evaluation spaces, success criteria, star and wish emojis, and others with slots for every learner’s feedback. This will give learners accurate and informative feedback in real-time – as they do their presentations.   

Link multi-step activities in one assignment 

For younger grade learners, having several assignments posted daily is overwhelming to them and their “busy” parents. To avoid this, create a landing page containing all the activities for a particular subject that day. 

kid looks at a computer

Educational technologies (Edtech) are transforming the classroom and the learning experience for students all over the world.

As more and more schools are implementing Edtech into their learning plans, we though it would be a good idea to take another look at the biggest Edtech trends educators should know about in 2019.

Don’t forget to read part one of this blog for a rundown on Offline Learning and Immersive Learning, two forward-thinking solutions set to take education by storm.

3. 5G

5G mobile networks will offer the fastest and most secure internet connection available and will innovate many areas of life, including how we learn.

5G connectivity supports instant streaming and will positively impact virtual reality and augmented reality technologies by enabling tech companies to manufacture self-contained headsets that simply need an internet connect to work.

This in turn will lower prices and lead to commodification of VR and AR headsets to the benefit of schools everywhere.

4. Gamification

We’ve talked about gamification before and how it can help improve student engagement and interaction by making learning fun for everyone.

Gamification technologies, such as the popular learning language app DuoLingo, use game techniques and rules to improve engagement and knowledge retention to great success and can greatly help teachers in the classroom.

Educational technologies (Edtech) are transforming the classroom and the learning experience for students all over the world.

As more and more schools are implementing Edtech into their learning plans, we though it would be a good idea to take another look at the biggest Edtech trends educators should know about in 2019.

1. Offline learning

Not all schools have access to the internet, which is why so many Edtech companies are now exploring offline learning options for schools.

Offline learning options leverage the power of information technology to provide comprehensive classroom solutions that help in the areas of individual and collaborative learning and knowledge retention among others.

Offline learning solutions ensure every student has access to the very best learning materials, regardless of where they’re located.

2. Immersive learning

Immersive learning relies on virtual reality and augment reality technologies to provide students with incredible learning experiences they’ll never forget.

Immersive learning is suitable for just about every area of education, from recreating historical events to teaching students using interactive lessons that emphasize knowledge retention through visualization.


A website review is a handy service numerous web companies provide, but the vast majority of these companies charge considerable fees to for the review.

iClass offers a completely free website review that will help you determine if your school’s website is doing everything it can to benefit your school.

So how do website reviews benefit website owners, and what can you expect from a free iClass review of your school’s website?

Website reviews are pretty essential if you want to ensure your website features the very best in design and user experience.

While you may like the overall look and feel of your website, there’s always the possibility that others will find it less enjoyable to use and therefore they may avoid it.

iClass website reviews take a thorough look at every aspect of your website from GDPR compliance to usability, design and functionality, and we’ll provide feedback about what’s working and what needs to be improved.

GDRP compliance is vital for any schools based in Europe as it ensures you are in full compliance with current data regulations.

Usability checks if users are able to navigate the site and access all provided content without any issues.

Similarly, design determines if your school’s website is presented in a clear and easy-to-understand manner.

Functionality refers to the performance of the website and whether users are able to complete any presented tasks e.g. watching a video about your school on a landing page.

You’d be surprised at how even the smallest of bugs can have a big impact on the rest of your website, which is why it’s so important to have your site reviewed on a regular basis.

To arrange a few review of your school’s website, please get in touch with us today.

The iClass content management system is an easy to use website platform that is built to benefit the unique needs of your school.

The platform caters to schools of all sizes and types, from small primary schools to large high schools, and everything in between.

Whether you require a full suite of features or just a few functions, we can tailor the platform in response to the requirements of your school’s teachers, students, staff and parents.

From super simple event hosting and registration, to an integrated mobile app that completely eliminates the costs of parent-teacher communication, the iClass platform caters to your needs regardless of size.

Your school’s website should highlight the very best of your school thanks to intuitive content publishing, ensuring the parents of prospective students are impressed with what they see.

Thanks to the iClass platform, everyone who visits your website will be impressed with what they see.

For a free iClass demo or website review, please get in touch with us today.

Man with coffee and laptop

Updates and upgrades are a common part of using technology and something most if not all of us have some experience with.

Whether its your smartphone, laptop, home entertainment system or just a social media profile, updates and upgrades are an essential part of using technology.

School websites are no different.

From the technical side of things, updates and upgrades keep your school website safe and secure against malware, viruses and other malicious programs designed to wreak havoc on technology.

From the user’s point of view, updating and upgrading the user interface and user experience ensure your school’s website runs smoothly and is both easy and quick to use.

The iClass content management system provides schools with a unique and evolving website that comes with both ease of use and security built into the build.

It’s extremely easy to update your iClass website with content and media files, enabling you to keep the site looking fresh and filled with the latest developments.

An up to date website is obviously very useful for the parents of attending students, as it allows them to find school info in an instant, but it’s also a great tool driving enrolment and capturing the attention of the parents of prospective parents.

Regardless of your school level, size or location, an up to date and upgraded website is essential if you wish to stand out from the competition.

Get in touch with us today to find out how we can revolutionise your school’s digital identity with the iClass content management system.


With so much to do and so little time, it’s no wonder why so many educators and teachers are reluctant to get involved with their school’s website.

But regardless of whether you’re a school website administrator, article publisher or simply a blog commenter, iClass simplifies all aspects of running a school website.

It’s designed with the user in mind and every single function, from posting articles about recent events to setting up registration forms for upcoming trips, can be completed in under 60 seconds.

This means that any member of your school’s faculty can get help out with the school website should they want to, irrespective of their computer literacy or technical knowledge.

This includes students, who can publish their own articles, blogs and newsletters via the dedicated Student Publishing module.

It’s no secret that teachers are constantly pressed for time, which is why so many are hesitant to take on more responsibilities.

But with iClass, anyone can jump right in and start managing and publishing content in less than a minute, from students to the principal.

For more information, or to request a free website review or iClass demo, please get in touch with us today.

St Joseph's College

In this day and age, it’s essential for everyone’s business to have some sort of digital representation, including schools.

But the quality of your school’s website, in addition to the features and services it offers, can have a massive impact on how the parents of prospective students view your school.

If the site looks professional, well-designed and is filled with up to date content, then it’s likely that parents will view your school in a positive and encouraging light.

However, if the site is slow to load and respond, features an outdated design, won’t load on mobile devices or lacks content about your school and its students, then it’s probable that parents will immediately be discouraged from learning more about your school.

This is why it’s so important that your school’s website is as cutting-edge as can be, as this will make your school stand out from the competition.

With iClass you get a bespoke, beautifully designed website that can be tailored to reflect the best and brightest aspects of your school.

With a range of handy features like event registration, a fully integrated mobile app that enables free parent-teacher communication, and a user friendly content management system that allows you to complete all tasks in under one minute, iClass is guaranteed to put your school at the top of the class.

When it comes to staying in touch with the parents of your school’s students, nothing quite beats the classic school newsletter.

And thanks to digital technologies and iClass, it’s never been easier (or freer!) to write, edit and publish a weekly or monthly school newsletter.

In fact, the iClass platform enables schools to create their very own dedicated Newsletter publishing category, and digital newsletters can include a variety of media types in addition to text, such as video, images and audio.

Similarly, digital school newsletters published using the iClass platform can host files for download, so parents can quickly access important files added to the newsletter such as permission slips or school closure notices.

Digital school newsletters are an easy way to keep parents up to date with the latest news from their children’s school, and don’t cost schools to write or publish as everything is done online.

Publishing a newsletter on your school’s website automatically pushes it the integrated iClass app so all parents will get instant access, and you can also send a free message with a link to newsletter to all registered parents.

For more information, or to organise a free iClass demo for your school today, please get in touch.

Website design for schools in Dublin

Unsure about the importance of your school website? Or maybe your lacking the confidence or skills to manage the site? Regardless of the reason, it’s essential that you give your school website the right amount of attention and consideration.

As we’ve mentioned previously, your school website is the first thing most parents encounter when researching what your school has to offer for their children. As a result, it’s important that the website makes a good first impression every time.

iClass takes the stress out of running a school website and provides your school with a beautiful and bespoke site that’s tailored to highlight the benefits of your school for prospective parents.

It’s designed with the user in mind and every function on iClass websites can be completed in under a minute, from teacher and student publishing to super simple event registration and maintenance.

Get in touch with us today to organize your free iClass demo and learn exactly how iClass can improve your school website both visually and functionally, and enable your school to fully leverage all the benefits of digital technologies.