With so much to do and so little time, it’s no wonder why so many educators and teachers are reluctant to get involved with their school’s website.
But regardless of whether you’re a school website administrator, article publisher or simply a blog commenter, iClass simplifies all aspects of running a school website.
It’s designed with the user in mind and every single function, from posting articles about recent events to setting up registration forms for upcoming trips, can be completed in under 60 seconds.
This means that any member of your school’s faculty can get help out with the school website should they want to, irrespective of their computer literacy or technical knowledge.
This includes students, who can publish their own articles, blogs and newsletters via the dedicated Student Publishing module.
It’s no secret that teachers are constantly pressed for time, which is why so many are hesitant to take on more responsibilities.
But with iClass, anyone can jump right in and start managing and publishing content in less than a minute, from students to the principal.
For more information, or to request a free website review or iClass demo, please get in touch with us today.