

Schools can’t do it alone! The people and businesses in the surrounding community can be a valuable (but often overlooked) resource to help students succeed.

According to this report, schools with the highest number of community and parent volunteers have the highest test scores. Community involvement with a school promotes real-world learning and a broader perspective for students.

How can you make community members key partners in student achievement?

Share your Success

A newsletter is a great vehicle to share school stories and successes with the community. Even community members who don’t have children enrolled in the school will enjoy reading about what’s going on in the neighborhood. It’s also a great way to inform community members about upcoming events, service projects, and volunteer opportunities. Check out our tips on how to create a newsletter that is both interesting and informative here.

Be Visible

When your school participates in community events, people will notice! Seek out opportunities for students to volunteer around town or host service projects to benefit local charities. A great way to do this is to create or partner with a service club on your campus.

Share enrichment opportunities with students. Many museums or performing arts organizations will offer student discounts. Students can enrich their day to day learning experience while getting out in the community and having fun.

Make the Most of Your School Site

Your website is a powerful tool for community engagement. An integrated and intuitive website will encourage everyone to keep up to date with happenings at school. With iClass’ website solution, schools can even make community members partners in content creation. An integrated mobile app will keep functionality at parents’ fingertips!


Header FAQs

One of the most important elements of a child’s educational journey is clear and regular communication between parents and teachers.

It’s vital for good communication to exist between both parties in order to guarantee that a child’s cognitive, social and emotional development is progressing naturally and without any issues.

Similarly, a parent’s involvement in their child’s education can greatly benefit the child, resulting in happy and curious kids who look forward to the challenges of school.

Parent involvement also helps to keep kids on track and make sure they’re reaching their full potential in all areas, from homework to exams, afterschool hobbies and more.

Regular communication between teachers and parents encourages parents to take an active role in their children’s studies, so it’s a good idea to start off on the right foot and make parents feel welcome in bringing any concerns they may have to your attention.

Parent-teacher meetings are obviously a great opportunity to discuss student performance and improvement, but they typically only take place a few times during the school year.

This can be detrimental to the student, particularly if they’re having difficulty in certain areas as problems may go unreported and become more of an issue as time goes by.

While many schools now offer a variety of methods for parent-teacher communication including by phone or email, only the iClass platform provides a completely free-to-use mobile app for parent-teacher communication.

It simplifies the entire communication process and ensures parents and teachers can get in touch with one another when needed.

The iClass Mobile App also allows for the dynamic publishing of news and events, both of which will help parents feel that they are fully informed of all related school activity.

Get in touch with us today to request a live iClassCMS demo or brochure.